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Opportunity Knocks at Laser Photonics Corp.’s Laser Cleaning Door

ORLANDO, FL, UNITED STATES, June 11, 2018 / -- Laser Photonics Corporation, the industry leader in developing high-tech laser systems, announced today it is establishing an opportunity for individual businesses to specialize in laser cleaning at the household level, using the company’s unique line of laser cleaners. Typically used in industrial applications, these one-of-a-kind laser cleaners can also be used in household applications by trained laser operators.

Handheld laser cleaners are ideal for removing rust from auto parts and tools, as well as removing contamination and cleaning household items such as kitchenware and garage items, household hardware and grout, utility components and systems, boats, automotive rims and weathered components. Free of abrasion, the laser cleaning process is gentle on all materials and the environment. Layers are removed uniformly and without leaving any residue.

“We are excited to participate in this business opportunity,” said Fonon Corporation’s (and equity group behind Laser Photonics) CEO Dmitriy Nikitin. “It’s not only a chance for business expansion, but it may create a brand new local cleaning and decontamination service. In the near future, it is feasible to expect to see paint masters removing old paint from cast steel doors, gates and fences, cleaning barnacles from boat hulls, and even cleaning driveways, roofs, and pool enclosures with specialized laser systems.”

To find out more about business opportunities with Laser Photonics, visit or call (407) 804-1000. Laser Photonics specializes in developing high-tech Fiber, UltraFast, UV, CO2 and Green laser systems, utilizing advanced and innovative processes and technologies. All laser products are made in the USA; warranties and financing programs are available, along with exceptional customer service.

Dianne Carlisle
Laser Photonics Corporation
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